Personal Training
Hana does much more than give out exercise orders; she takes you through a transformation and adds positive changes in your life. After meeting you and the initial assessment, Hana will work with you to set your goals, work towards them and achieve them. Working one on one she is able to track your progress, modify your work-outs and push you further to become fitter, stronger and healthier. She understands that each person is unique in their journey to health and happiness.INCREASE & IMPROVE
Improve your body awareness, movement and alignment
Increase and improve your total body strength and core connection
Gain energy and develop a healthy body weight
Master and embody body awareness in everyday movement
Develop a personal effective and motivating fitness program
Empower your accountability to your health
Guide and monitor your fitness progress
Build confidence in your exercise program and everyday movement
Thank you for your excellent one on one instruction and a great class. My back was really bugging me, but it is feeling a lot better thanks to your expert guidance. Much appreciated
Hana added so much value in terms of my knowledge of health and wellness. My knowledge of overall fitness was above average before working with Hana, but since working with Hana she has opened up my entire perspective on the relationship between health, wellness and fitness. Specifically, I have learned so much about posture, alignment and the importance of good form, not only during the session but in our daily lives.
I feel that I am getting stronger, especially my core. I have been told that I have a weak core but am now I am actually feeling the change. I am also feeling more fit because of the diverse work we have been doing. Since working with Hana, I have a invigorated feeling towards fitness. She has made me stronger and encouraged more opportunities for me to try new things.
Thanks Hana! As you know I love your workouts and I am always amazed by how fresh you keep things. In all theses years we never do the same thing and that is pretty wonderful. You gotta know that I like it as I'll drive a long way to make sure I get them in. Thanks very much for everything. I am really liking the Tabatta workouts we have been doing. I like all the new stuff. You know me, I'll always complain about the burpies but I can appreciate their value.
Hana, since you have trained me, you have fully devoted your energy and given total commitment to help me develop and improve myself in all areas of importance fitness wise. This improvement in my fitness has paid off in the sporting activities I participate in. As well your training of me and the physical fitness benefits I derive from it has also resulted in me being better focused mentally in my everyday life and career.
I completely trust you with the development of my physically well-being. One of the main reasons I feel this way is your willingness to be open and sharing and your investment of your honesty into our personal training interactions. This makes you a person I can learn from and someone who is a very good personal trainer. Your openness makes you a person that cares about the success of the client and takes pride in her profession. I continue to be challenged by your training programs and I enjoy the fun and the personal growth I experience from your training and instruction of me. Thanks Hana.
If you really want to challenge your body, Hana is the best person to introduce you to a new way of working out. Fun exercises that make you sweat are always included in her typical routines. You’ll work out muscles that you’ve never used before and see results – especially in your energy levels and overall fitness. I highly recommend Hana to whip you into shape – and have fun while doing it!
I really like working with Hana as she listens to your worries and comments. She actually also takes the time to get to know you as a person. I love that the workouts are never the same and she shows me routines that I've never even seen in magazines/books and that are so effective.
I think that your fitness etiquette is superb and I feel fortunate to have been trained by you. Your conscientious planning of a fitness program for me and encouragement have been a significant positive influence in my life! Thanks!
Hana is a dedicated and highly-educated personal trainer who is in short "on top of her game". My husband and I have been using Hana over many years and our good health "as seniors" can be attributed to her constant guidance and excellence in her field.
My wife and I have had the pleasure and benefits of having Hana as our personal trainer for over 10 years. She has devoted her career to helping others achieve the best physical condition they can. While serious about her craft, she is energetic, lighthearted and pleasant to be with. She is great with seniors and adapts exercise regimes for them, emphasizing skills such as posture and balance. We know: we are in our 70s. She is patient with us and always on time. She is largely responsible for our good health. She is a model for everything a fitness trainer should be. She is a treasure!