

SUMMER 2024 – Yoga & Pilates Fusion

She breathes in… Wellness, Nature, Culture 

Return to your values 
11-16 October 2024

Olive Flow Retreat 

Messinia, Greece


OCTOBER 2023 – featured in October/November Impact Magazine Canada 2023


JULY 2022 – Published article in CanFitPro – Indoor Cycling Upgrade


DECEMBER 2021 – Self-Published Book Released
Ride Alchemy – Not Just An Ordinary Bike Ride

NOW AVAILABLE at the FriesenPress Book Store

November 2021 – Dynamic Core Cardio Fitness with Hana featured on The Ultimate 2021 Virtual Gift Guide shared by BC Living and Simply Beautiful

Read the Virtual Gift Guide on BC Living

OCTOBER 2021 – Impact Magazine’s Sweat across Canada
30 Minute Total Body Workout with Hana Weinwurm

APRIL 2021 – Impact Magazine’s Sweat across Canada
30 Minute Pilates Fusion with Hana Weinwurm

February 2021 – Canada’s Top Fitness Instructor 2021 – IMPACT MAGAZINE

Hana has been recognized as one of CANADA’S TOP FITNESS INSTRUCTORS 2021 in the IMPACT MAGAZINE: Top 10 in BC, Top 30 in all of Canada

Read the digital Impact Magazine issue


August 2020 – ZOOM FIT with Hana

Hana’s classes offer a great variety of exercises for a challenging, but completely accessible, full body workout. She is very easy to follow and uses cues so that I know how my body should be moving. I can feel my body slowly getting stronger and coming into proper alignment. Her classes are also an excellent mental challenge as well and I’m allowing my body to show me what it can do rather than letting my brain tell me I’m too weak or tired to even try. I’m always very sweaty and proud of myself after a workout with Hana. Danielle (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Having never done cross training before, I felt pretty unstable in a lot of the moves but after a few weeks I could tell I was starting to get stronger. Hana provides a variety of alternate low impact moves which make her class accessible to everyone. Keeping safety in mind even while doing her virtual classes seems especially important to her while we're all in lockdown. It's been a few months now and I'll definitely be incorporating her classes into my regular workout routine even after things open up. Tracy (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
This pandemic had a major impact on my fitness routines. I used to see a personal trainer once a week and worked out in the gym on my own twice a week. But, all that came to a halt. I first tried one of Hana’s half-hour classes on Instagram Live, and I was surprised at how good I felt afterward. Now, I’m doing her hour-long workouts five days a week and I feel fantastic. I sweat buckets, but I love it. Her format of interval training keeps intensity up and leaves no time to be bored. Her instructions are clear and she always provides alternatives to make the exercises harder or easier. Honestly, I’d never done “group fitness” workouts before, but I’ve never felt more fit. Her workouts saved my sanity in this period of staying safer at home. Thanks for the workouts! Stephanie (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
I have always loved how fun, exciting, and informative Hana’s classes are and her online Zoom classes are no different. They have kept me accountable and as always Hana is fantastic with cues for form, even virtually. Hana is my go to fitness instructor, I look forward to her classes every week! Martha (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Hana’s classes are easy to follow but always challenge the body in new ways. Her unique combination of exercises help to get that mind-body connection to ensure a more meaningful and purposeful workout! Kyle (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
I love Hana's teaching style, and am so grateful I have been able to continue taking her classes in my living room! In my experience with doing at-home workouts, Hana's are by far the most effective full-body workout, no other class gets me this sweaty! Lindsay Duthie (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
I have really loved each and every zoom fit class over the past few weeks. What I really look for in a class is a total body workout and Hana's Zoom Fit classes do exactly that! She always incorporates legs, arms and core which I love and she always has such a great structure and variety to each class! I also love that I can follow her throughout the workout in the comfort of my own home and with her great instructing and cueing of each exercise I feel I can really push myself and be comfortable with each exercise! She has clear instruction and guides you through the whole class while doing the exercises herself which I find great to see exactly how each exercise should be done. Her Zoom Fit classes are the BEST! Nadine (Vancouver, BC, Canada)

MAY 2020 – Impact Magazine’s Sweat Across Canada
30 minute CORE FUSION with Hana Weinwurm

You can also find the video on Instagram and Facebook below:

APRIL 2020 – Total Body WOrkout in 30 Minutes with Hana

Click below to check out more workout videos with Hana Health & Fitness on YouTube.

March 2020 – Featured in March/April Impact Magazine Canada 2020

January 2020 – Canada’s Top Fitness Trainers 2020 – IMPACT MAGAZINE

Hana has been recognized as one of CANADA’S TOP FITNESS TRAINERS 2020 in the IMPACT MAGAZINE:
Top 10 in BC, Top 30 in all of Canada

Read the digital Impact Magazine issue


YYOGA@Home Videos


Brief Intro Video

45 Minute Beginners YSCULPT Class

45 Minute Intermediate YSCULPT Class

October 2019 – International Council On Active Aging Conference – Leadership Summit and Expo 2019

September 2019 – The Movement Tour, San Diego, California

June 2019 – CTV Vancouver @ Downtown Yyoga

A fun and athletic evening with Team CTV Vancouver @ Downtown Yyoga 💪 💦 🔥 ❤🚲
A Great Team and a sweaty fun ride 👌

Best workout ever on the Greek Island Santorini

SANTORINI is one of the most beautiful, unique and spectacular places to travel and workout.

Whenever I travel, I make sure to pack a few exercise tools with me so I can maintain my fitness conditioning.In every new destination I get to be creative and use what is available to me and improvise a workout routine.

Working out while traveling can be a challenge sometimes but many times it can be the most memorable experience.

Thank you Aris Georgiopoulos for capturing the experience and creating this video.

Having fun being a Lole Girl Ambassador and shopping
at the newest Lole South Granville, Vancouver store 👧 ❤️ 🧘‍♀️


Snakes and Ladders YFIT in Vancouver


TRX Personal Training in Greece

TRX Workout in Greece

Suspension Training at Fascial Association in Vancouver

Hawaii TRX Suspension Training

Hawaii Yoga


Functionally Fit – Tuesday nights with Hana

Hana on CTV Vancouver News

– Yoga for Cold and Flu Season –

Hawaii Athletic Training


Global News – Celebrating International Yoga Day

McArthur Glen and the Lole White Tour on the Road Broadcast

Celebrating peace and harmony at Community organized yoga sessions. In Vancouver, over 400 yogis gathered at McArthur Glen on Canada Day dressed in white from head to toe as a symbol of peace for the mass outdoor yoga event.

DreamTalks with Hana – The Future of Fitness

Body Energy Club Ambassador

Congratulations to Hana Weinwurm our 6-month winner for most referrals.

Hana is a delight to be around. She is full of inspiration, and is helping people reach their fitness potential. Here is what Hana had to say about what she does;

“Movement and Exercise have been a big part of my journey since I have been born it seems. It’s what I did to spark my creativity, to connect with myself, to get inspired and to shake off some stress. It has been such a big part of my life that no matter where my life took me around the world, my first priority was to make sure I would be able to move. In many ways it may have been an obsession or a bit extreme, but for me it kept me grounded, more in line and connected to a part of who I identified with. For years, movement and exercise has been a part of my decisions around my career, the friends that came into my life and the places I chose to live.

We all have something that guides us and drives us and teaches us, for me it’s movement.

Today, I continue to thrive in the expression in motion and notice how much it has shaped me over the years inside and out. My movement choices and exercise evolve with time and I am learning to accept and adapt to the changes. Sometimes I push and sometimes I surrender. Surrender seems to be kinder on me lately😊
Today more than ever I realize my gift to share in the world is to inspire movement and to help those who know me and meet me to remember that the body is designed to move.
My body and my movement has changed over the years and more than ever I am learning, listening and accepting the changes.

I wish for all beings to embrace their body and their movement and to remember that the body is designed to be in motion, kind, loving and respectful.
Enjoy your bodies everyone and dance your dance of movement❤️✨

Thank you Hana for all your support.

-Body Energy Club 2016


YYoga Indoor Cycling Workshop


Gymstick Workout – Featured in the Georgia Straight